What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

I am going to say some really cliched things here:

It is never to late to start following you dreams. Go for it! What is the most intimidating thing that could happen?

Other people laughing at you? Bet you what, people will not laugh at you trying because people are to occupied thinking the same thing, in other words they are to busy thinking about their own stuff.

Afraid of failing? Welcome to life where all your failures will lead you to success if you stick too it.

Because being persistent in what is going to keep you getting forward.

Thinking about falling and hurting yourself? Well, you will fall. You will hurt yourself. But bruises and scratches will heal. And if you train properly with a good technique and with a good trainer you will learn how to fall avoiding hurting yourself seriously. You will not be able to avoid getting physically and emotionally hurt, but you will be even more happy when succeeding. Also it makes you more resistant to what life throws at you.

And all the times you fall not hurting yourself seriously you will have someone to laugh at: yourself. See, a good laugh extends your life expectancy. And with a film clip of your fail you can make other people laugh too. So failing can be very fun too!

Remember, every fail is one step closer to your dreams. Noone was born with all the worlds knowledge, you have to earn it! And than you can put on your crown and own it. 

If life get’s hard, either if your horse is sick, you are injured, you have to move to another stable, change the club or you just have forgotten you water bottle at home when training… Don’t throw in the towel!

Life WILL get hard, messy, nasty and so awkward. But all the bumps on the road are there to make you stronger.

To rise like a phenix from the ashes. See those times as possibilities to get stronger. Appreciate what you have, regardless of how bad the situation is, and keep on going. With this not to say you shouldn’t break down sometimes and let it all out like Elsa in Frozen. And after that the time is right to ”get your shit back together” or, how my dear friend Katharina Furtner expresses it ”fall, rise, dust of the sand, fix your crown and walk on”.

Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

John Lennon

Everyone needs to break down from time to time. It is important to let those feelings have a place in life too. But remember that life goes on and the next step can be even better than the last one if you let it. Allow it to take place and open up yourself up to the new possibilities. 

Behind the clouds the sun IS, INDEED alway’s shining. Remember that and keep on climbing up that, what it could feel in the moment, mountain.

From now on, everything can just get better. Yes, life can be very hard sometimes and you might fell that the whole world is against you. But during the time you try and fail, success will come. It is just a matter of how hard you believe and want your dream. Also, you can’t do this journey on your own (get help from people who know what they are doing!) and know that 1 successful try needs about 100 fails. 

I believe that life is about looking at things from different perspectives and there are reasons for everything that maybe cannot be seen in the beginning. But they reveal with time. 

Here’s a matching song for you

Photo: Miachel Schanner

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